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Contact support

Our support team is ready to help you should you need any assistance. For inquires, please fill out this form and we will get right back to you.

Contact us!


We are part of Fonn Group

Mimir is part of technology group Fonn Group, with offices in Bergen, Norway, New York, Singapore, and Munich. For more information about our group go to the Fonn Group website. 

Please fill out this form to report your issue in Mimir, Dina or, with a detailed description of your problem and how to reproduce it. We will get right back to you! 

Priority check

P1 - Urgent:

  • System Failure
  • On-Air Disruptions
  • Issues that stop the systems’ ability to broadcast or affect customers’ daily operations with no temporary workaround available

P2 - High:

  • Issues that affect systems’ ability to broadcast or customers’ daily operations, but has a temporary workaround

P3 - Normal:

  • Configuration issue
  • Password Reset
  • Unwanted Response
  • Issues that impact important features not working as intended but won’t stop daily operations of the customer. Temporary workaround available.

P4 - Low

  • General Queries
  • User End minor issue
  • Customers’ inquiries about the systems, and minor issues which have little impact on the services

Feature Request

  • Ideas for a new feature or improvements

Information Inquiry

  • General information requests
Phone support - Available 24/7

Australia: +61 2 9188 1675 (Sydney landline)
USA: +1 (888) 404-8545 (Toll-free)
UK: +44 20 8089 0280 (London landline)